Want to go net zero?

At Labrador, we were the first to offer households free net zero, regardless of which energy supplier or tariff you choose. And for free!

This was linked to our energy comparison and switching service. Given there are not any cheaper tariffs available at the moment for you to switch to (given unprecedented wholesale market conditions…), this promotion is on pause. But as soon as cheaper tariffs return (which could be in April), we will again offer this to everyone.

In the meantime, you can check out your carbon footprint here and we can help you buy carbon credits against that if you get in touch with us here

Not only do we have a marketplace of carbon credits and energy attribution certificates, but we have the data to be able to accurately reconcile your CO2 footprint, without you needing to manually provide data. It can literally take you seconds to go net zero!

You can also create an account to benefit, for free, from our Beat the Price Cap campaign! You can read more about that here


Are you with an supplier you didn’t choose?


How to earn money with Labrador